There is a new website for St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church and Holy Cross Pastorate: (click here to visit). This website will continue to serve as the website for St. Francis Xavier Catholic School.
The Football Sweepstake is underway! Click here to see recent winners. Tickets are still available for purchase and are good for the remaining weeks of the regular NFL season. Cash prizes totalling $1,000 or more are paid out weekly!
All 5 Holy Cross Parishes will come together for a summer picnic on Sunday, July 28th from 11:30am-2:30pm on the St. Francis Xavier Grounds. This timeframe will allow families to attend Mass at their home parish and then come together in fellowship for the afternoon. Please save the date and plan to join us! If you'd like to help make the event successful, consider volunteering! We are looking for people to donate home-made pies, help with set up and clean up, and work short shifts during the event!
A big congratulations goes out to Laura and Dan Wenman for being named the March 2024 Family of the Month for the Knights of Columbus Cross Plains Council #3924. Dan and Laura have been married for 31 years and have three children, Alli Parish, Andrew (Emily), and Emma, along with 1 grandson Paul Karol.
Our 5 parishes are working together to host a joint summer fundraiser. We are currently seeking donations from businesses and individuals that will be used as prizes in a pastorate-wide sweepstakes in July.
Congratulations to Don and Becky Stewart for being named the Knights of Columbus Cross Plains Council #3924 Family of the Month for April 2024. Becky and Don have been married for 57 years and have two daughters and 3 grandchildren.
We are moving to a new donation tool and need your help. Click here to switch your account to the new tool. Please do not hesitate to contact us for support!
We are hiring for the 24/25 School Year. Current openings include: - 1st Grade Teacher - Spanish Teacher - After School Care Staff We are always accepting applications for substitute teachers and bus drivers as well!
Holy Cross Pastorate will be hosting this fun and inspiring camp-style program at St. Peter the week of June 23 to 28, 2024. We would love to see your family there!
The St. Francis Xavier Annual Endowment Newsletter is now available! Read more about our Endowment Fund and how it directly supports the youth of our parish. You can also read more about our recent alumni, our school and various formation programs.
There are many opportunities for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving this Lenten season. You can pick up free resources in the Narthex or stop by the parish office for more information.