The Saint Francis Xavier Home and School Association’s mission is to build connections between home and school. We promote open communication, goodwill, appreciation, and cooperation among parents, faculty, and administration. The Home and School Association (HSA) assists with fundraising efforts, community building events and projects that foster parent and caregiver engagement in support of our Catholic school.
Some of the events that the Saint Francis Xavier HSA does to promote our missions are:
Showing appreciation and support for our teachers and staff with lunches, dinners, classroom Christmas gifts
Planning and implementing events for students, families and the parish during Catholic Schools Week and the Spring Fling
Fundraising events such as our May golf outing
The Saint Francis Xavier HSA is made up of officers and classroom representatives. Classroom representative’s primary responsibility is to communicate the activities and needs of the Home and School Committee to all the classroom parents. To accomplish this, they are to attend monthly meetings, take notes, and send out prompt and succinct emails to classroom parents indicating the activities and needs of the Home and School Committee. Reps are to help coordinate and implement planned activities that meet the Home and School Mission. Reps also connect with teachers if they need assistance planning in class activities.
We would love your involvement and help! Please reach out if you are interested in helping with the events or being a classroom representative or officer.